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Who are these lessons for?

Vanessa tutors in Spanish and French

Vanessa's lessons are for everyone

 Lessons are structured around grammar and verb tenses; conversation; and listening and reading comprehension.  These build in intensity as the student becomes more knowledgeable and confident.

All lessons are personalised to suit the student's ability and interests whether studying for exams, pleasure, or business.


For students preparing for GCSE, IGCSE, IB, AS/A2 level and OU Spanish or French the focus is on the four key skill areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Vocabulary is built up and verb tenses and grammar skills sharpened. Lessons include exam practice for oral presentations and studying topic areas for written papers.

Behind with studies at school or don't understand?

Vanessa offers advance exam preparation as well as last minute cramming.

Advanced level student studying Spanish
Prepare for language exams
Students preparing for language degrees
Learn 501 Spanish or French verbs

Personal, Leisure and Business Development

Lessons are not only for students taking exams but for those wishing to learn Spanish or French for personal development, leisure or business reasons. Many students start from scratch, some have a little knowledge and others simply want to refresh and improve their languages skills. Within the business environment languages are an asset both to the individual and the business. All lessons include relevant vocabulary according to the student's objectives as well as a keen grounding in verb tenses plus aural and oral skills. Homework is set to reinforce what is learned during the lesson.

Company training schemes

Company training schemes are normally based on a block of 10 lessons with one lesson of 60 minutes per week. The lessons can be beginner, intermediate or advanced level. Class numbers can be any size although 20 or less is ideal. A lesson plan is handed out at the beginning and each lesson will cover material suitable for the level including (but not limited to) grammar, verb tenses, numbers, weather, newspaper articles, audio stories (Mp3), company relevant vocabulary, and quizzes. 

Please note that company training schemes are limited to the Cheltenham area.

Skype lessons reach all over the world






Adults learners can advise Vanessa prior or during the first lesson any specific aims for studying their chosen language. All lessons after the initial session are personally prepared and given face-to-face ONLINE  unless you are undertaking a company training scheme in which case the lessons can be held at your workplace or online. All types of materials are used from books and newspaper articles to visual aids and audio Mp3 recordings by Vanessa. The focus is on speaking and communicating well in the target language. A typical lesson would include tense work and grammar, target-specific vocabulary, reading and comprehension, and conversation. Homework is provided to reinforce what has been learned in the lesson.



GCSE, IGCSE, IB, A LEVEL, and OU students can highlight any problem areas and bring to the first lesson any relevant school or college notebooks. Verb tenses are regularly reviewed for accuracy in exams. Homework is emailed.



The lesson is given over the internet via Skype. I will provide my Skype ID and we will make the initial contact. Calls can be conducted without webcam according to the student's preference but it is nice to see each other! Skype software is free to download ( and it is free to make Skype to Skype calls.

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